EUROBOAR is a collaborative science project focused on studying wild boar ecology across different environmental conditions. We use a spatial database to store and share data on Wild boar Sus scrofa, in order to investigate how these animals respond to specific conditions such as changes in their habitat, interactions with humans, and disease spread and control (e.g., African Swine Fever). Our goal is to promote comparative research into wild boar behavior and ecology on a European scale, both in theory and in practice.


All events related to EUROBOAR

X Euroboar/ XVII Eurodeer meeting, Mont-Rigi, Belgium, 2025-06-08 / 2025-06-13

XVI EURODEER / IX EUROBOAR meeting, Montevecchio, Costa Verde, Sardinia, 2024-09-01 / 2024-09-07

VIII EUROBOAR Meeting, Presidential Estate, Castelporziano, Rome, Italy, 2023-09-04 / 2023-09-07

VII EUROBOAR Meeting, Seva, Spain, 2022-09-05 / 2022-09-05

VI Euroboar meeting, Online, 2021-10-27

V EUROBOAR Meeting, Online, 2020-10-01

IV EUROBOAR Meeting, Hainich National Park, Germany, 2019-10-23 / 2019-10-25

III EUROBOAR Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, 2018-09-03

II Euroboar meeting, Ub, Serbia, 2017-10-15 / 2017-10-17

I EUROBOAR Meeting, Badia di Moscheta, Italy, 2016-06-26 / 2016-06-28

Kick-off meeting, Chizé, France, 2015-03-16 / 2015-03-19